Once the legend starts, nothing can stop composing it

The Science and Art of Writing: Techniques of Scientific Writing


The Science and Art of Writing: Techniques of Scientific Writing

The Science and Art of Writing is a series of posts connected to the world of writing. This is the second post of the series in which we give ground the philosophy mentioned in the first post.

The Science and Art of Writing: Philosophy of Scientific Writing

写作的科学与艺术是一个涉及写作世界的系列文章。在这第一篇文章中,我们将讨论科学写作的哲学。这种体系的思想主要来自于芝加哥大学的Larry McEnerney教授。

The Science and Art of Writing: Philosophy of Scientific Writing

The Science and Art of Writing is a series of posts connected to the world of writing. In this first post, we discuss the philosophy of scientific writing. Ideas for this philosophy are mainly inspired by professor Larry McEnerney from the University of Chicago.

Project's hits: Game of Life

项目的毒打系列是笔者在写各个项目时,学或想到的一些有意思的小技巧。本篇文章是生命游戏的项目开发中遇到的一些毒打(当然,也受益匪浅),主要内容为CSS的clamp技巧以及如何将JS canvas图案旋转到任意角度绘制。

Project's hits: Game of Life

Project's hits is the serie about useful skills that I learnt during the developement of the projects. This is about the Game of Life, in which I noticed distinct ways we can use CSS clamp and how to draw patterns in any angle in JavaScript canvas.

Pros & Cons of Non-Invasive and Invasive BCI - PART 2

Brain Computer Interface (BCI) always seem to be part of an utopic future. It is an ambitious technology that connects human brain with digital computers. What if one day we want a BCI connected, how would you choose between these two main types; non-invasive BCI or invasive BCI?

Pros & Cons of Non-Invasive and Invasive BCI - PART 2


Pros & Cons of Non-Invasive and Invasive BCI - PART 1

Brain Computer Interface (BCI) always seem to be part of an utopic future. It is an ambitious technology that connects human brain with digital computers. What if one day we want a BCI connected, how would you choose between these two main types; non-invasive BCI or invasive BCI?

Pros & Cons of Non-Invasive and Invasive BCI - PART 1
